Is there anybody there?

So it’s been a while and I would not be at all surprised if my words just disappear into the ether.

In the hope that there is somebody out there reading this then I’ll go with it.  In the likeliehood that there isn’t anybody out there then being an independent kind of gal I’ll just go ahead and answer my own question….. “Is there anybody there?”  Well actually yes and in particular other bloggers.

I was very blessed to meet up with the lady behind gilreansblog.  I have been following this lady’s blog for quite a few years and she has also kindly followed mine.  A couple of years ago I got a message from this lovely lady to say she was coming to Inverness and could we meet up.  We did and it was fandabiedozie.  She is a big fan of Scotland and so is her partner and it was with some excitement that I found myself heading to a little pub to meet up with them again.  They had just hiked through some of the most beautiful parts of the Highlands – pretty impressive let me tell you.  So myself and a pal hot footed it to the pub to meet lovely blogging buddy and her man.  Non stop conversation, sitting outside wrapped up in woolie jumpers, and more non stop conversation.  It was a joy.

Also in my silence I have been gently nudged by Counting Ducks.  Messages like “how are you, where are you, have you stopped writing?” have been much appreciated and have spurred me on to get back to WordPress.

Sometimes a wee special email pops into my inbox from Empty Next, Full Life and that always makes me smile.

In my real life much has changed.  I’m getting on with getting on in my new job and I’m also moving house.  I am very blessed that my pal Jeannie has made all of this moving stuff so much less stressful than it could have been.

So what else……. well this is Scotland and we are in the throws of a vote on Independence (the vote takes place on 18th September).  Everything and everyone is a buzz and can I just say no matter what happens the Scottish folk are so engaged in the debate and so well informed that even a visit to the butchers or the bakers is exhausting.  It took me 20mins this morning to get a loaf and some mince.

So where am I in all of this?  Well I guess I am just where I have always been – grounded and thoughtful.  I am passionately Scottish, I don’t sign up to or tolerate an anti English stance, I believe in democracy and politicians being held to account.  In my world if you don’t deliver what you are employed to deliver you get fired. Sadly this has not been yet translated to the world of politics as far as I have witnessed.

I don’t ask that you agree with me but it feels importt for me to say where I stand.  After much thought, reading, listening, debating (not just in the butchers and theh bakers) I have chosen to vote YES to Independence.  Why?  Well in summary (and I really mean in summary) if things really are better together why has it not happened, why are things not better – and that doesn’t just apply to Scotland?  I also believe passionately that my vote isn’t  just about me.  Of course I will think about me and mine when I cast my vote but I will also think about others in my community and the changes they need.  Changes that I truly believe can only come our way when Scotland vote for our own Government post independence.

Make no mistake there will be tough times ahead – but isn’t that the way it is now?  Of course it is.  I just believe that given the opportunity to do so Scotland can tackle these challenges differently and as a Scot I know that my voice won’t just disappear into the ether – it never seems to reach Westminster you see.

So here I am, holding my head up high and declaring myself as a YES voter who fully accepts that the road will be uphill.  Come on though I don’t know many folk in Scotland who don’t have hiking boots – I think we’re up for it.

Oh and just to underline the fact that politics and politicians are everywhere look who I met on the way to the butchers – only the First Minister, Alex Salmond.  He had to queue as long as I did in the butchers mind- that folks is equality for you!




5 thoughts on “Is there anybody there?

  1. It was so lovely to meet up again. Sorry we did not manage to meet a second time this holiday, but such is life. We loved our evening and think back of that evenign with great fondness. I’ll send you an email soon 🙂


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